Sunday 6 March 2016

Fat Diminisher Review — Does It Really Work?

There is no shortage of information about how to lose weight available. Just type “weight loss” into Google and you will get over 101 million results and countless “solutions” to help you shed those excess pounds. All this information should help us. Really, it just overwhelms us and makes it harder to figure out what we should really be doing to get our weight under control. Instead of trying to rely on all this confusing free advice (much of which is trying to get you to buy some “miracle” solution or supplement), I’d recommend buying a brand-new book from Wesley Virgin called Fat Diminisher. The book simplifies fat burning and gives you clear instructions on how to get unwanted pounds off of the areas that matter most.

What is Fat Diminisher?
Fat Diminisher is a 12-week program designed to help you detox your body to make long-term weight loss possible. It provides very clear, well-researched information about why weight loss is so difficult for most people, nutritional advice, and exercise plans tailored to different fitness levels.
At the heart of Fat Diminisher is the fact that the liver is critical for weight loss. While you may not have given your liver any thought (except after a night of drinking), it actually has a LOT to do with your weight and overall wellbeing. The first two weeks of Fat Diminisher are to cleanse which detoxifies the liver. The remainder of the program is a transitional phase which teaches you how to implement changes in your life so you continue to see benefits and stay healthy.

How the Liver is Linked to Weight Problems
When it comes to weight loss, we hear so much about carbs, fat, and calories that it might come as a surprise that weight problems are directly linked to liver health.
Your liver is the main organ in your body responsible for processing fat. It breaks down fat by producing bile. The broken-down fat can then be flushed out of the body. The liver also is responsible for absorbing fat and water-soluble vitamins and minerals.
But your liver is also responsible for filtering toxins out of our blood. Because of the processed food diet that most of us eat which consists of foods which are toxic to the liver (Wes Virgin gets into the worst food additives in the book), the liver can become “backed up.” It is unable to process the toxins fast enough and is unable to process fat efficiently. The liver then gets backed up with fat – causing it to accumulate all over your body, harden in your arteries, and affect your entire body.
According to Harvard, 20% of American adults have fattyliver disease – something which used to only affect alcoholics and excessive drinkers. If you are obese or have diabetes, then there is a 70-90% chance that you have fatty liver disease!
Wes Virgin isn’t the only one who believes that the liver is vital for weight loss. Many notable doctors have written books about the link between liver health and obesity (though they don’t give you detox and lifestyle plans like Wes does).

Signs You Have a Liver Problem
If you are overweight, obese, or have diabetes, then you probably have a problem with your liver. Other signs of a liver problem include:
·         Chronic fatigue
·         Insomnia
·         Brain fog
·         Skin problems like eczema or acne
·         Digestion problems
·         Constant food cravings*
*Remember that the liver is responsible for absorbing many vitamins and minerals. If you aren’t absorbing these nutrients, then your body will keep sending you hunger signals no matter how much you eat!

Who Is Wesley Virgin?
Before we go any further, it is worth talking about who Wesley Virgin is to determine whether you’d want to follow his advice. He is a trainer and motivational speaker, who has helped many people from all over the world. He is also a certified wellness practitioner and certified advanced nutritionist.
Wesley Virgin is also a public speaker and author. His most notable books are Fat Diminisher and Red Smoothie Detox Factor.

What to Expect on the Fat Diminisher Program
I’m going to be honest in this Fat Diminisher review: The program is NOT easy! It starts by getting you prepped for the program, such as by giving you vital information and information about how to successfully get through the cleanse and transitional period afterwards. Then, you get right into the cleanse.

Two Week Detox Cleanse: This is the hardest part of the program, and the most important. You basically do a version of the Master Cleanse diet which lasts 2 weeks. The goal is to rid your liver and blood of all toxins so it can function again. During this phase, you can expect to lose a lot of weight. The first 2-3 days of the cleanse will be rough, but it gets easier after that.

Post-Detox Diet: After the detox period is over, you are advised to follow a raw foods diet to help rebuild your liver health as well as the health of the rest of your body. Don’t worry – he gives you recipes so you aren’t just stuck eating boring salads.

10-Week Transitional Phase: This phase is crucial for keeping off the weight you lost and also losing more weight. You will be expected to make serious changes to your diet and also implement an exercise routine. Don’t worry – the plan is flexible and even leaves room for you to enjoy your favorite foods.

Workout Routines: There are 3 different workout routines given based on your experience level. These aren’t just your typical aerobic exercises aimed at losing weight. They help you increase muscle mass, which means your metabolism increases naturally.

Stress and Lifestyle Factors: Weight loss and liver health isn’t just about exercise and nutrition! Stress is a major component (and is really bad for your liver). Wesley Virgin gives advice on how to cope with stress, and also other useful advice like how to get an unsupportive spouse on board.

Pros of Fat Diminisher
·         Fast results during the detox phase
·         Transition phase ensures you keep off the weight you’ve lost
·         After cleanse, the program is really flexible and can be adapted to different lifestyles
·         Program designed to help you make lifelong changes
·         No supplements or “miracle” cures needed
·         Workout program for different levels
·         Isn’t just about weight loss; also about toning body and increasing muscle mass (which is key to long-term weight loss)
·         Addresses lifestyle factors related to weight loss, like stress
·         Comes with bonus tools like goal-setting guides and food log
·         60-day money-back guarantee

Cons of Fat Diminisher
·         Involves a two-week strict detox. Not everyone will be up for the challenge!
·         Requires long-term commitment to diet and lifestyle changes
·         No videos or podcasts – you must read the information (though one of the bonuses is a video)
·         Not an eBook. You must wait for it to be delivered after ordering.

Who Is Fat Diminisher for?
Fat Diminisher is definitely not for everyone! Many people won’t be able (or willing) to handle the intense 2-week detox phase in which you are basically limited to beverages. After the detox phase, you are advised to go on a raw foods diet to further the health benefits and continue the rapid weight loss. This means you will need to spend more on fresh food and maybe also go grocery shopping more frequently. Since it is recommended to eat only organic produce, you will probably spend more money on groceries than you are used to.
And let’s not forget about the exercise component to the program! You better be prepared to stick to the exercise program. Otherwise, you could experience rapid weight loss without gaining muscle weight. This means your body mass will deplete, which will counter the metabolism-boosting benefits you got from the detox.
Sorry to break it to you, but real weight loss requires hard work and effort! If you aren’t prepared to make long-term diet and lifestyle changes, this isn’t for you. But, then again, NO program will give you permanent weight loss without work. Fat Diminisher is simply optimized for faster results, which means more work during the initial phases.

What is Included with Fat Diminisher?
Fat Diminisher is an eBook which includes clear information about liver detox, advice about foods and food additives you must avoid at all costs, and strategies for overcoming lifestyle issues which may be contributing to your weight problem, such as an unsupportive spouse or food cravings.

The cost of the Fat Diminisher book is $37 which, honestly, seems a little steep for an book. To compensate for this, there are all sorts of bonuses included with Fat Diminisher. Some of these are really useful in helping you succeed in making long-term changes to your life.

The Bottom Line
Fat Diminisher System by Wesley Virgin definitely is not for everyone. You’ve got to be committed enough to stick to the detox phase, make time for exercise in your life, and willing to make lasting changes to your diet and lifestyle. However, if you are one of the 20% of American adults with fatty liver disease and/or suffering from obesity, then detoxing your liver may be the only way to weight loss. Fat Diminisher isn’t the only liver detox program out there, but it is one which gets results fast and provides the tools you need to keep weight off for good. Since there is a money-back guarantee that comes with the book, there is no reason not to buy it and read more about the program.

1 comment:

  1. Its a great pleasure reading your post. Its full of information I am looking for and I love to post a comment that "The content of your post is awesome" Great work.Fat Diminisher System
